Divorce Mediation
Mediation is likely to be your least expensive, fastest, and least stressful of professional-guided divorce options. In general, mediation involves using a neutral party to facilitate a mutually beneficial agreement without involving the courts. With Financial Divorce Designs, you and your spouse will ultimately make the decisions, but our mediator Paula Woolcott takes an active role in your mediation as a “dual advocate,” helping both you and your spouse identify an optimal financial settlement and a sound parenting plan that benefits the entire family.
Our divorce mediator is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®). Additionally, our mediator is trained, experienced, and knowledgeable about the mediation processes and procedures associated with uncontested dissolution in the State of Ohio and Nebraska.

mediate your divorce
Mediation is the logical choice when you want to...
Gain Control and Have Choices
Your divorce is your own and you should have say in how it’s resolved. While litigation leaves decisions up to the courts, mediation is a guided and informed process that allows you to maintain control and have choices over settlement issues.
Reduce Toxicity
Divorce is by its very nature divisive. Lawyers and courts often make it more so. In mediation we work to understand each party’s needs and how they can be best met without tearing each other down. Children, too, fair much better when a divorce is civil and quickly resolved.
Shorten the Process
A divorce battled in the courts can take many months, even years. Our structured mediation process can be achieved in as little as four weeks, allowing you to move on and build a new life rather than being at the mercy of court schedules, delays, and continuances.
Protect Case Details
Court proceedings are public record. Mediation maintains the privacy of the parties as everything but the final decree is kept outside the courtroom.
Spend Less
Litigation is expensive and can sum to tens of thousands and more. The collaborative divorce process requires the use of 5+ professionals throughout, resulting in a hefty sum. Going pro se (i.e., a DYI divorce) can result in costly mistakes. You will spend less with mediation, while also receiving substantial relative benefits over other processes.
Shelter Your Kids
It may be that no one suffers more in divorce than children. One of the three biggest factors that impact children’s well-being during and after their parents’ divorce is the degree and duration of hostile conflict–mediation mitigates both.
Mediation is smart whether high or low conflict, substantial or few assets, kids or no kids. If you and your spouse are both willing to attend and participate in mediation sessions and engage in good-faith negotiation, mediation is the smartest choice.

Are you or someone you know
Contemplating Divorce?
Individuals start contemplating divorce a minimum of 6 months before they take any action, studies indicate. During that time of inaction, fears of the unknown grow and can create anger, animosity and other emotions that are unhealthy. They talk to close friends or family and often times are tempted to do things that they regret.
For many, the first step-consult an attorney. Lawyers provide the needed legal information but they will not be able to alleviate the financial fears.